Category Archives: Read this instead

Goodbye for now + Read this instead

Alright friends, I’m going to give it to you straight: After today, I honestly don’t know when my next post will come.

In about three hours I’ll be moving to San Antonio. While this is all good and exciting, I won’t have a computer until I’m able to afford one. And I won’t be able to afford one until I get a few paychecks. And my first paycheck won’t come until the middle of April. So we’re looking at a no computer life until early summer.

How will I live? I have no clue.

I start my new super awesome job on Monday, and obviously I’ll be working on a computer there. But I don’t want to assume that I can just do whatever I want, so for at least a week the blog is going to take a back seat. When I get more settled in and comfortable with my schedule, I’ll get back into it. I promise. I have wonderful friends who have already said I can use theirs if I need to.

Sadly, this also means Vitrual Book Club might be pushed back a little. Sorry sorry sorry! I promise it will happen, so still read the book 🙂

Oh and before you start worrying too much, I can get on Facebook and Twitter on my phone. How awful would it be if I couldn’t? *Shudder* I don’t want to even think about it.

Before I leave on my journey (dramatic much?) I just wanted to thank all my readers again. Y’all are so sweet and amazing and the fact that you care about what I have to say means a lot. I really hope my writing gives you at least a little bit of entertainment or light throughout your day 🙂

Oh! And instead of a regular Read this instead (I bet you thought I forgot, huh?) I’m just going to leave you with links to my favorite blogs. The ones that I will be glued to my phone reading for the next couple of weeks. Most of them are food blogs, don’t judge.

Eat Live Run

How Sweet It Is

Shrinking Foodie

Master of Her Romaine


Style Me Kasey

What I Wore


Also check out this article Peter Shankman wrote for Mashable. And then feel bad about yourself because YOU are the reason Rebecca Black is famous.

Ha, just kidding. But he’s right, it’s everybody’s fault. I like to think it’s only half my fault because I haven’t made it through the entire video. I’m afraid my brain will fall out my eyes if I see it through the end.

I think that’s it. If I left any out, I am horribly sorry.

I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend, week (and possibly next weekend too)!

I haven't even left yet, but I already miss him 😦

Bye loves ❤ —(did you hear, ❤ is officially in the dictionary. So wrong, yet so wonderful).



Read this instead

I read a lot of blogs. Like, A LOT. Like, step-away-from-the-computer-and- go-outside, a lot.

I read food blogs, fashion blogs, relationship blogs, educational blogs, friend’s blogs, famous people’s blogs, etc.

How do I find the time? Well, I’m just cool like that.

Lies. Replace “cool” with “unemployed”.

Still love my to-do lists!


Anywho, I’m starting a new thing here called Read this instead. A collection of links that I found interesting during the week. Some will be recipes, some will be motivational, some will be funny and some will (hopefully) inspire you to do something. The idea is that you’ll come here first, but I want you to read something other than my random ramblings.

Just that day though! I fully expect you to return, okay?

I’ll post every Friday because, well because today is Friday and I want to do it right now.

Whatever, I don’t have to explain myself to you.

Let’s go!

Tyler from 344pounds wrote about motivation when it comes to losing weight. And frankly, I need all the motivation I can get these days.

Kailey over at SnackFace, wrote a guest post on A Foodie Stays Fit which I adored.

Sonia from Master of Her Romaine made Chocolate Chip Pretzel Cookies. I die.

Jessica from Shrinking Foodie wrote a really wonderful post about Lent, and the process of figuring out what to give up. I adored the honesty in this post because I feel like some people go through lent for superficial reasons, forgetting there is a reason behind it. She uses lent as a vehicle for self-discovery and I think that’s awesome.

Jessica from What I Wore posted this adorable outfit. I need those boots, like yesterday.

Katie from Learning to be a Rebel took pictures of the most interesting tree stockings! Sadly, I live in the same city as her and had no idea they existed. I have got to start leaving my house more often.

Kasey from Style Me Kasey makes me want to wear stripes. And I don’t do stripes. Well done, Kasey.

And lastly, Jessica from How Sweet Eats made these amazing cupcakes that I’ve seriously been dreaming about. I can’t make them because I’m allergic and I would die (although part of me feels like they might be worth it. Kidding!) so I’m going to need one of you to make them and tell me how they are. Send pictures if you can too.

That’s it! Hope you guys enjoy the sun this weekend like this guy:

My dog is a class act.

Did you come across anything cool this week? Sharing is caring!