Category Archives: Uncategorized

I write because it keeps me from doing something dumb. Sometimes.

My mother told me to update my blog. And when your mother tells you to do something, you do it. Because she’s always right.

Wish I had known that the first 23 years of my life.

There was no real reason for my stopping to write here. I guess I just ran out of things to write about. I mean, think about it. If you go back and read some of my older posts you’ll see that I don’t really have a theme, or point, in my writing.

Go on, read something. I’ll wait.

Was it pointless? Possibly. Was it funny? Well, I think so. Am I full of myself? Sometimes, I call it confidence. What is your point? Not sure, guess this is pointless.

Damn, I did it again!

My brother started a new project, called The Hundred Days Project. I’d tell you about it, but that would defeat the purpose of me linking it. So go read it yourself. And then come back, because I’ll miss you a little.

Isn’t that cool? I thought it was cool. While I have no desire to pick up a new hobby ( I can barely pick up my shoes off the floor, even though I trip over them, reading that entry made me realize I missed writing. So even though I might not have anything to write about, I’m still going to write.

Also, if we’re being honest here (and why wouldn’t we be?), I haven’t really felt like myself the last couple of weeks. I’ve felt good, but not myself. I wake up at 5 a.m. to workout. I eat more salad than cookies. I don’t even know where my jeggings are. I spend my Saturday mornings cleaning my apartment.

Exactly like that. Red bow and all. (Source)

Except for the shoes. They’re always there. I’m literally staring at them right now, taunting me with their sharp heel.

The other day my mom told me that she and my dad had bought me a TV as a surprise, but then asked me if I would rather just have the money for something else. I told her to return it because I actually needed boring work clothes for meetings and events, and I’m trying to save as much money as I can so maybe we could use the TV money for that.

WHAT. I’ve done nothing but complain about my lack of TV for six weeks, and now I’m suddenly making grown-up decisions?!

Well, if I’m going to be an adult I insist on being a well-dressed one. Done.

But don’t worry too much about me. I still stay in on Friday nights to watch eight episodes of Parks and Rec (not on a TV, of course), listen to the Justin Bieber Pandora station when I’m on the treadmill, buy a new mascara or nail polish every time I’m in the store and eat more gummy bears than one person every should.

You can try to take the girl out of crazytown, but gummy bears are just too good.

I’d like to thank the academy…

Nah, I’m just kidding. I’m not getting ready for the Oscars anytime soon (I mean we all remember my high school theater days, right?).

Sonia over at Master of her Romaine (cutest blog name ever?) awarded me a Most Versatile Blogger award. Isn’t she just the sweetest?! Go check out her site because it’s adorable and she’s such a trooper in the kitchen. ALSO, if we knew each other in real life I’m convinced we would be friends. Which would make my mom happy, since it kills her that I don’t hang out with more Indian people.

So per the rules, I have to link back to the blogger that awarded me (done), write seven random facts about myself (fun), award 15 more bloggers (I’ll try) and tell whoever awarded me that I accept (Dear Sonia, I accept.)

I don’t think I even read 15 blogs, so I’m doing five. I’m such a rebel. Basically these are my friends, which makes me bias. Sorry I’m not sorry. I don’t expect any of them to “accept” the award, so my feelings won’t be hurt. I promise.
Jimmy (Man Up, Son!)

7 Random Facts (as if y’all need to know more ridiculous things about me)

1. I had to call my parents in a panic last weekend because I couldn’t remember if I needed to take my car antenna down before going through the car wash. 24-year old FAIL.

2. When I was younger I was convinced that JC Chasez (from NSYNC) and I were meant to be together because we both had the same favorite ice cream flavor–mint chocolate chip.

3. I am awful with directions. Horribly awful. I swear I could get lost going to the bathroom.

4. I drink vodka tonics at bars because it’s less likely to show up when I spill it on myself (which I will because I’m a classy broad like that). With that said, I will take dollar beer night over a vodka tonic any day.

5. I hate eggplant, mushrooms, okra and pickles. What’s random about this you ask? Well my dog happens to hate the exact same things. No joke, Max will spit all of those foods out. He’s 11 and I still crack up every time it happens.

6. I’m pretty sure I’m going to end up with a guy shorter than me, simply because I desperately  want a guy who is taller than me in heels (as in when I’m wearing heels, not him in heels. Don’t know what I felt the need to clarify that). I tend to not get what I want..and I’m trying to learn to deal with it.

7. If I’m out in public and I see a mirror, I will go out of my way to not look at myself. My hair does crazy things throughout the day, and I really just prefer to not know about it. Ignorance is total bliss in my case.

Whew. I tried to make that as random as I possibly could.
Thanks again Sonia!

YouTube is funnier than me. It’s true!

Hi friends! I’m super busy and have not had a clever or witty remark run through my head for the past few days. I’m thinking about getting myself checked out…it’s just not normal.

Anyway, let’s have a video day! Since I don’t have a TV (which is super sad since Glee came back) I’ve been stuck to my phone every night watching Youtube videos. The four below are the ones I literally watch once a day.

Okay maybe eight times a day. Whatever.

I’m so cool.

First up. I know I talk a lot about how I’d like to marry a tennis player. I really do love them. But then I found this girl. Yes, girl. She might be my soulmate. We could stay up at night braiding hair and singing Lil’ Wayne. Perfect match!

Next. The funniest video you’ll ever see. I’ve put it on my Facebook like a million times since I’ve seen the movie. I’m completely obsessed, and if you don’t laugh even a little bit at this than we probably shouldn’t be friends. Sorry bro.

Cutest thing ever? Cutest thing ever.

Just because I want to be her when I grow up. I can’t stop singing this song, so I might as well be her, right? I’ll start wearing all black and fake lashes pronto.

And, of course, in honor of the playoffs you get a bonus Spurs video:

Hope you’re having a wonderful day!

P.S. If you’re in San Antonio, let’s hang out! Please? I want to see you. Yes, YOU!


Did anybody see the move “He’s just not that into you”?

I never read the book, but I own the movie and watch it from time to time when I feel like swooning over my ideal man. Which is obviously a Bradley Cooper look-a-like with Justin Long’s personality.

Can somebody make one for me? I’d call him Bradtin. We’ll be very happy together.

Moving on, I learned one thing from that movie: That I am the rule, not the exception.


I also learned that Bradley Cooper is still sexy when he’s being a tool bag and a half, but I really should have known that to begin with.

Anywho, even though Gennifer Goodwin told me (and Jen Aniston and Jennifer Connelly) that we are all just a bunch of rules, I still seem to insist that I’m an exception. And I do it over and over again. If we’re being honest here, I completely annoy myself sometimes. But it’s okay. I am who I am.

Case in point:

  • I think I can wear black clothes while baking because I honestly believe I can keep flour from magically appearing all over my kitchen, and myself. And by “magically appearing”, I mean I dumped an entire cup of flour on myself yesterday.
  • I think I can work while watching a movie, fully expecting to actually get work done. Ha.
  • I think drinking (alone) while working on a Saturday night (alone) in my apartment (alone) will not make me feel like a loser. I’m not saying that others who do the same are losers, I’m just saying that I am.
  • I think I can wear high heels all day and night and not want to eventually cut my feet off.
  • I think I can walk into a shoe store and just “look around”. BUT In my defense, I really needed neutral wedges. Like, seriously.
  • I think I can buy a box of cereal and tell myself that I will actually eat it, even though I don’t really like cereal.
  • I think I can not do my hair, and still be an acceptable member of this society. Negative.
  • I think I can live alone and not be terrified of every single noise I hear. Like my freezer.
  • I think I can carry off bangs even though I have a nonexistent forehead, and everybody would think my eyebrows grew into my head. I still want bangs.


So what have we learned from this?

Well nothing, because I’ll probably continue doing the above for the rest of my life.

Save me

My mother is creating a profile for me on an online Indian dating website.

Hope everybody else is having a less awkward day life than me.

That is all.

Read this instead

I had another confession post for y’all that was suppose to go up yesterday while I was driving around looking for apartments, BUT looks like wordpress didn’t approve of it and now I can’t even find the post. Oh well, if I remember all my clever comments I’ll write it again. I do remember there was a lot of Beiber talk in there…

In the mean time, it’s time for Read this instead!

Jenna (Eat Live Run) made homemade s’more pop-tarts. I’ll allow that to sink in with you for a second.

Jessica (How Sweet It Is) became my new favorite person when she posted a recipe for single (or double) serving cupcakes. PERFECT for a girl like me who can’t be trusted around a whole plate of cupcakes.

Christine (Christine’s Apron Adventures) made the most beautiful cake for St. Patricks Day. Check out the next post to see the inside…AMAZING.

Peter Shankman (P.S.) wrote a really great post regarding social media and how much information one can find out about you. This guy is one of my PR heroes and I obsessively read every word he writes.

Sonia (Master of Her Romaine) is starting a virtual blogger bake sale to help efforts in Japan. Won’t you join us?

Jennifer (Spend Less, Shop More) is letting people know about how Forever 21 is helping out in Japan. Shop away my friends!

And now for a couple of non-blog articles:

A Changed Starbucks. A Changed CEO-As much as I complain about the company (working there will do that to a person), I actually truly like Starbucks and I want them to continue doing well. Luckily, Howard Schultz is figuring out how to make this happen.

Championships, not records, matter most to Gibson-Ugh, so sweet. I’ll always be an Ohio State fan, but when they play UTSA I’ll be bleeding orange and blue.



Have a great weekend!



Single Girl Confessions

1. I really do think every Taylor Swift song was written about me. Even the ones that don’t actually pertain to my life. Those were still written about me.

2. I hate when girls are all like “Man, I’m totally like Carrie (from SATC)! My life is just like hers!” One, she’s a fictional character. Two, she’s CRAZY (watching seasons one and two if you need a crazy-Carrie refresher). Three, she would never have been able to afford all those shoes, clothes and brunches and her apartment on a “writers” salary. Four, I totally wish I was her.

I literally only drink cosmos because Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte did. No joke.

3. I don’t drink because I’m single. I drink because drinks are delicious. Just thought I should clear that up.

4. Whenever people find out that I’ve never had a serious boyfriend, or a real relationship they act all surprised first and then say something along the lines of “Well you’re lucky. Relationships are ridiculous, I kind of wish I had held off until I was ready blah blah blah.” Let’s be honest, you guys are all glad you’re in the “loved and lost” group and not my “not loved and lost in a bag of gummy bears and Meg Ryan rom-com marathon” group.

5. On that note, I don’t watch You’ve Got Mail every week because I’m single. I watch it because it truly is the greatest movie ever made. I will always stand by that decision, even if others say it was the worst piece of crap they’ve ever seen. If I could hold my own Academy Awards, Tom Hanks would win EVERYTHING.

6. The above statement might be a reason why I’m single. I’m okay with this.

7. The only time I don’t like being single is when I go to my aunt’s house for lunch and she mentions that her friend’s son “happens to be in town” so she “just invited him over for lunch” and then afterwards I call my mom and she asks me “so did you meet anybody new and interesting today” and I realize she was totally in on it, even though she was on a DIFFERENT CONTINENT.

8. Another time I don’t like being single is when I’m baking. Baking for your friends just isn’t the same as baking for a “special friend.”

9. I just used the term “special friend.” Another reason why I’m single?

10. The other times (when I’m not secretly being set-up by my sneaky ninja mom and aunt or baking) I like being single. I really do! I know you all think I’m lying, and obviously I won’t stay single forever because “I like being single”, but my life is pretty good and I’d feel like such a tool if I went around complaining because I didn’t have a boy to bake cookies for, you know?

Bonus Confession: I (not so) secretly wish someone would hit on me at the grocery store just so I could have a story to tell about being hit on at the grocery store. I’m terrible. But seriously, where do the boys hang out at the store?

Oscar talk: This is my 100th post!

How exciting is that?! Since this will be my last for the night, I’d like to thank everybody who has been reading. I didn’t really expect y’all but I certainly appreciate it 🙂

Okay, back to the show…

James Franco really does seem bored. Maybe he needs me there to perk him up *wink wink*

Best Actress. Here we go! I’m super nervous for Natalie Portman and her baby.

I’d like Jeff Bridges to say nice things about me.

She is too cute! Pregnant people shouldn’t be that cute!

From Natalie to Sandra. Two of my faves. I’d like to be either of them when I grow up, thanks very much.

I am so behind on these movies. They must be at the dollar theater, right? Who wants to be my date?

I’d even be willing to watch 127 Hours. I will need a barf bag for when he cuts his arm off, but I’ll watch him. Again, who wants to be my date? Don’t worry, my hair is short so you won’t have to hold it back or anything. I’m classier than that.

Confession: I’m totally in love with Colin Firth too. When he proposed to that girl in portugal in Love Actually, I almost died. #love

But I bet James Franco’s grandmother is super sad that Marky Mark didn’t win.

That “you’ve gone on too long” music really pisses me off. A lot.

Oh my god, these kids are killing me. Too much cuteness.

Ahh it’s all the winners! What is this and why do I love it so much?!

I know people are gonna give Anne and James a ton of crap for tonight. I’d just like to say that I still adore them even if tonight was more awkward than my senior prom.

Aaaaaand we’re done. Good night friends!




Oscar talk: Holy crap, has Natalie Portman won yet?

Sweet, A.R. Rahman is there. India represent!

Oh Celine Dion, you’re going to make me emotional. And you don’t want to see me when I’m emotional…

Hillary Swank! My friends Jimmy and Jessica decided she would be perfect to play Justin Bieber in Boys Don’t Cry: 2. she would totally win an Oscar for that role, and I think it would be AMAZING if, instead of a silly little statue, they gave her The Biebs himself. Spray painted gold, of course.

Oh yay, the directing award! That must mean the other important ones are coming soon, right?

I’m tired. Blogging and tweeting is hard work.

Oscar talk:I can’t think of a title right now

I adore Cate Blanchett, which is why it pains me that she wore a dress that makes my dog cringe. I think I might like it tomorrow, but I’m not sure

I just feel like somebody cut the middle out by accident, and then they had to find some random white fabric to fill it in so the dress wouldn’t be inappropriate.

If I was nominated for an Oscar and took the time to write a speech, I’m pretty sure I would take the time to MEMORIZE that speech as well. My mom would kill me if I spent the entire time on camera staring at a piece of paper.

Oh hey, it’s the president!

Short films will make me a winner? Thanks Jake Gyllenhall!

My mom is convinced that every guy here is gay. She just asked me if Sasha was a guys name when that young dude thanked his wife.

Yea musicals! The Indian in me is very happy about this little remix. Even if it is auto-tune nonsense.

But seriously, does that kid ever wear a shirt in Twilight?

Standing ovation for Billy Crystal? Didn’t see that coming. But I do love When Harry Met Sally…

Also, guys and girls can be friends! They can because I say so!

Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law win for best banter. Hands down.

Guess I should watch Inception now. Or maybe I’ll just pretend I did and then go around saying “What happened? Was it a dream or not? I’m so confused!!” That way I’m sure to fit in.

Oh hey, my dear friend Jimmy said he’ll host the show with me! Get ready folks, this will be good.